Specialist Services

While we provide a broad range of services to meet your particular needs, we also provide specialist services through our relationship with DST People. These services are geared around your staff, how they work individually and how they work as teams. Having turned around many poor performing teams over the years we have the science behind why people and teams do and don't work.

Individual Personality Profiling

Would you or your staff find any of the following statements true?

You are working in a role that you find overly challenging?

It’s a grind to go to work each day?

You find your role or your supervisor leave you feeling unfulfilled?

You find it hard to be successful in your role?

You start to feel that dread in the pit of your stomach on Sunday night knowing you have to go to work the next day?

Did you know that every work role suits different personality types? You may be in a role or in an organisation that doesn't suit your personality which makes success almost impossible.

The debrief of the Personality profile provides you with an explanation and discussion that highlights your natural style, how you will behave as a leader, your levels of competence, how you work in a team, what you appreciate in a leader  and more importantly the key elements you need in a role that will maintain your motivation and interest as well as the things that will demotivate and frustrate you.

This profile is a great tool for individuals and their supervisors and can be used across a team of work colleagues to find out how well the team works, how they will approach different aspects of the work cycle, and how each member of the team compares to understand the influence of members over each other in different work situations and how you will resolve problems and reach agreement. Designed to help teams flourish!

Outplacement Services

You are a leader in an organisation and you need to reduce your workforce and want to minimise the stress on the people leaving to ensure they have the best chance of success in moving onto their next role as quickly as possible? You also want the staff who are still in the organisation to be more engaged and involved, rather than having productivity drop significantly as it usually does when people are moved out of an organisation?

When Outplacement services are provided we find that the people affected transition very quickly into new roles and the staff who remain are positive about the changes. Our outplacement services (run through DST People), provide support at the time of the separation and individual support through the transition.